Mainboard RE-ARM 32bit RAMPS
Als Ersatz für den Arduino MEGA 2560
Ist bestellt, kommt in Kürze
32 bit, 100Mhz , LCP 1768 ARM - Prozessor , 512kb Flash
läuft mit Smothieware by Arthur Wolf
Mini USB Anschluß
3,3V System-Spannung
10-30 Volt Eingangsspannung
Anschluß für RJ45 Netzwerk Module
Angaben des Herstellers:
The jumper caps are connected to 1 and 2 for 5V power supply, and 2 and 3 are USB powered.
HWB Description:
When uploading firmware with USB, the pin header needs to be connected to the jumper cap.
1、More powerful processor. Faster feed rates!
2、Runs Smoothieware
3、Easy configuration using a text file on SD card, no need to upload firmware every
settings change
4、SD card appear as a drive in windows. Easy drag and drop new firmware or edit config
5、Capable of running smaller micro-step stepper drivers. Like the 1/128 micro-stepping
SD6128 driver
6、Available Ethernet RJ45 add-on Module
7、Run graphic LCDs with your Deltas without hiccups.
8、Run 2 SD cards, one for settings and firmware(on board) and the other for file loading
(on LCD).
9、5V tolerant pins, except for analog inputs which are at 3.3V
10、Filtered endstop inputs
11、Able to run CNCs, Laser cutters and 3D printers